1. Title:
1.1. The name of the association shall be “Textile Journey” (“the Association”).
2. Aims and Objectives:
2.1. To promote and raise awareness of sustainable art, craft or design.
2.2. To develop education and training and offer teaching and community engagements aimed at individuals and groups with a range of abilities and variety of origins.
2.3. To provide a forum for the exchange of views and skills within the group.
2.4. To facilitate collaboration and continuous professional development between the members.
2.5. To hold an annual exhibition of members’ work.
2.6. To be affiliated with stakeholders who would support creative and community projects and initiatives through funding and other opportunities.
3. Membership and subscription:
3.1. Membership is limited to 20 and is composed of skilled art, craft or design practitioners and stakeholders residing or collaborating on the island of Ireland.
3.2. Membership is by invitation only.
3.3. The group will provide access to art, craft or design practitioners and stakeholders regardless of their ethnicity, place of origin, gender or sexual identity.
3.4. The group encourages diversity of opinion while simultaneously aspires to professional conduct regardless of whether members agree or disagree on certain events or aspects of activities.
3.5. Diversity of creative disciplines is maintained within the group at all times.
3.6. Prospective members are subject to approval by the members of the Association prior to acceptance. A vote of 80% approval is necessary to accept possible candidates.
3.7. Membership fee, payable annually and reviewed at the A.G.M., is €50 for full time practitioners and €25 for those eligible for concession such as : students, mature artists and others.
3.8. Membership subscriptions will fall due on 1st January. It is valid for the year.
3.9. Unpaid membership fee automatically forfeits membership unless other provisions are made such as honorary life member or membership pardon due to extenuating circumstances
3.10. Honorary lifetime membership may be given to those with exceptional contribution to the progress of the group after not less than 5 years contribution to the group.
4. Management:
4.1. A management committee serves the Association. The members are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Board comprises the following: Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Digital Officer
4.2. Members hold office for one year but may be re-elected.
4.3. The elected oficers may hold ofice for a maximum of three consecutive years, at the end of which, they shall not be eligible for re-election to that post for at least one year.
4.4. This is except when there has been proposed no suitable candidate.
4.5. Each member has one vote.
5. Meeting Procedures:
The Association has three types of meetings: regular meetings, AGM ( Annual General Meeting ) and EGM (Emergency General Meeting).
5.1. Regular Meetings:
5.1.a. Meetings of all members will take place monthly or at the discretion of the committee.
5.1.b. A minimum of ive working days’ notice shall be given to all members. Only paid up members shall be allowed to attend the general meetings
5.1.c. Members need to to attend 60 % of meetings during a calendar year to qualify for participation in annual exhibition and textile events organised by the Association.
5.1.d. Failure to meet these criteria, without a reasonable justification, may result in forfeiting place within the Association.
5.1.e. Regular Meetings will be chaired in rotation of the Association members. Rota would be agreed at previous meetings.
5.2. Annual General Meeting:
5.2.a. The Annual General Meeting (“A.G.M.”) shall be held every year during the second half of January. It is called to:
5.2.a.1. Receive nominations for election of oficers.
5.2.a.2. Consider the annual report of the work of the Association.
5.2.a.3. Receive the accounts for the previous year.
5.2.a.4. Attend to any other business placed before it.
5.2.a.5. Elect officers.
5.2.a.6. Newly-elected officers shall assume their positions at the close of the A.G.M.
5.3. Quorum of 60% needs to be held for the Association to hold AGM.
5.4. The Chairperson shall preside at the A.G.M. In the absence of the Chairperson, the committee shall elect a Chairperson for that meeting.
5.5. Advance notice of 30 days is given prior to the A.G.M., with an invitation to propose motions and nominate oficers. Any motions and/or nominations are submitted in writing to the committee within 8 days on receipt of this notice. The submission shall include the name of the proposer and seconder. The Agenda, including any motions for consideration, will then be issued 21 days in advance of the meeting.
5.6. Only paid up members attend the AGM.
5.7. Each paid up member of the Association has one vote to elect members or pass a motion.
5.8. Each member could give their vote by proxy in writing a week prior to A.G.M.
5.9. In the case of a tied vote, the Chairperson should cast the deciding vote or abstain from voting.
6. Extraordinary General Meeting (“E.G.M.”):
6.1. An E.G.M can be called by any two paid up members upon issuing of written notice to the committee.
6.2. The Secretary shall give each member a minimum of 10 days notice, with an Agenda.
6.3. Only paid members can attend a E.G.M.
6.4. The quorum required by the E.G.M. in order to constitute a valid vote for the motion is 50% + 1 of members.
7. Finance:
7.1. Annual subscription fee is agreed at the A.G.M.
7.2. Annual subscriptions shall fall due on 1st January.
7.3. The accounts of the Association shall run from 1st January to 31st December.